Alberto Palloni holds a PhD from the University of Washington, Department of Sociology. Currently, he is a researcher at the Institute of Economy, Geography and Demography of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), where he is the Principal Investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant “ECHO” project, and S.H. Preston Emeritus Professor of Population, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Previously, he has been a Professor of Sociology and Demography in several US universities. He served on the PAA board of directors from 1996 to 1999, was vice president in 2004 and president in 2006. In 2019 he has been awarded with the 2019 IUSSP Laureate. He is known for his research contributions in the areas of health, morbidity and mortality, indirect techniques for demographic estimation, demographic models for HIV/AIDS, aging in developing countries in general and Latin American in particular, fertility and family demography and, more recently, the relation between early childhood health and adult health, mortality and social stratification.