CERNJosé Miguel Jiménez is an engineer in applied physics. He received his diploma from the Engineering Graduate School of Clermont Ferrand (France) and his PhD in Applied Physics and Surface Physics from CEA Saclay (France).
After finishing his PhD, he remained at CEA Saclay in charge of establishing R&D collaborations in new technologies between this center and the large surface treatment and thin layer industries in France. In 1994 he joined CERN as an applied physicist and started work on the LEP (large electron and positron collider). Two years later, he became Lead Project Engineer for the LEP and also the SPS project (super proton synchrotron).
In 2002, as Section Leader, he took on responsibility for the installation, preparation and commissioning of the straight sections of the LHC (large hadron collider). After that, he was promoted to Group Leader of Vacuum, Surfaces and Coatings, integrating all aspects of engineering, instrumentation and coatings by chemical processes or plasma.
Since 2014, he has led the Technology Department at CERN, in charge of the technologies associated to the organization’s particle accelerators: a team essential for the development of new projects where more than 700 persons work.
In July 2016, José Miguel Jiménez was granted the Order of Alfonso X The Wise, a Spanish civil decoration for his outstanding experience in the field of research and scientific management in particle physics. He received the award at a ceremony held on July 12, 2016 in the National Library of Spain.