Marzio Nessi holds a PhD in Physics from ETH Zurich (Switzerland). A senior staff research physicist at CERN, he is currently Project Leader of the CERN Neutrino Program, which aims to provide a development platform at CERN, promote and assist in experiments, and provide the infrastructure for short and long baseline neutrino facilities (European strategy mandate) and dark matter experiments. He is also Professor of Physics at the University of Geneva, Scientific Director of the Journal of Instrumentation ( JINST), and a member of the central management team of the LBNF/DUNE Intensity Facility.
He has been involved in many experiments worldwide in the field of high-energy experimental physics, and within CERN has held the positions of researcher in the UA2 experiment and spokesperson of the RD34 experiment. He was also among the founders of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, serving as Project Leader of the Hadron Calorimeter and as Technical Coordinator, responsible for the construction, commissioning and operation of the whole ATLAS project (1999-2013), active during the Higgs discovery period.