Michel Guillot is Senior Researcher at the French Institute for Demographic Research (INED) as well as Professor of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his PhD in Demography and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania in 2000, completed postdoctoral training at Harvard University, and was previously on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Center for Demography and Ecology (CDE). His research is organized primarily around two research areas, with both domestic and international foci: (1) formal demography, and (2) population health disparities across and within populations. In the area of formal demography, he has designed new methodologies for better understanding mortality levels and trends, and for studying their impact on population growth and aging. He has also made contributions in the area of model age patterns of mortality and indirect estimation methods. In the area of health disparities, he has examined the burden of disease among the global poor. He has also studied the health of vulnerable ethnic, religious, and migrant groups in a range of populations. He is currently the PI of an NIH project that studies age patterns of under-5 mortality at the global level. Recently, he led another NIH project that studied mortality patterns among immigrants and their children in France.