

Biplots in Practice

Basic Sciences > Mathematics

Biplots in Practice is a comprehensive introduction to one of the most useful and versatile methods of multivariate data visualization: the biplot. The biplot extends the idea of a simple scatterplot of two variables to the case of many variables, with the objective of visualizing a maximum amount of information in the data as possible. Research data typically arise in the form of a rectangular table and the biplot takes its name from the fact that it visualizes the rows and the columns of this table in a common space.

This book explains the specific application and interpretation of the biplot in many different areas of multivariate analysis, notably regression, generalized linear modelling, principal component analysis, log-ratio analysis, various forms of correspondence analysis and discriminant analysis.

The book includes applications to real data in many different fields of the social and natural sciences. In addition, there are three detailed case studies documenting how the biplot reveals structure in large complex datasets in genomics (where thousands of variables are commonly encountered), in social survey research (where many categorical variables are studied simultaneously) and ecological research (where relationships between two sets of variables are investigated).

– Didactic format, with over 90 tables and figures, and a summary of the contents of each chapter.
– Computational appendix, detailing all the computations in the book in the R language, as well as additional computational topics such as permutation testing.
– Bibliography and web resources, for further study.
– Glossary of terms, giving definitions of terms and concepts used in the book.
– Supporting website https://www.fbbva.es/microsite/multivariate-statistics/index.html , providing all the data sets used in the book, R scripts for the computations, and additional material such as video presentations of some of the analyses.

Chapters in PDF
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D


Book in PDF