

Capital social y organizaciones no lucrativas en España

El caso de las ONGD

Coordinated by
Carmen Marcuello Servós

Ana Bellostas Pérez-Grueso, Chaime Marcuello Servós, José Mariano Moneva Abadía

Social Sciences > Sociology

This book studies the social capital in our country, as well as the mechanisms which create, transform, develop and destroy it, mainly highlighting those that take place through non-lucrative organizations (LNOs) and analysing the role these play in Spain. The existence of a wealthy social capital, as well as LNOs and non-governmental development organizations (NGDOs), is of capital importance in our society as the help to sustain a correct functioning of democracy and the prosperity that accompanies it.

The stable social capital networks allow citizens to trust each other and therefore solve the problems that affect them. The decline in the social fabric that seems to be mainly found in western countries is the reason we have carried out this study of Spain’s current situation. It provides the keys to understand the complex field of social capital and aid and cooperation organizations, and collaborates in the provision of knowledge and consolidation of a sector whose increased strength benefits society as a whole.


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