

Science of the Cosmos, Science in the Cosmos

3rd Astrophysics and Cosmology Lecture Series (2013-2014)

Series director
Ana Achúcarro

Richard Ellis, Simon White, Gerda Horneck, Scott Tremaine, Conny Aerts, Martin Rees

Basic Sciences > Physics


2013-2014 Astrophysics and Cosmology Lecture Series: Science of the Cosmos, Science in the Cosmos.

Research on how the universe began, what it is made of and what what kind of objects it contains is going through something of a golden age. Space missions, large telescopes and ground-based experiments are bringing today’s researchers tantalizingly close to some of the answers science has sought through past millennia.

But new questions continue to arise: How many planets similar to Earth are orbiting other stars, and how can we set out to find them? Why, at some point some 13 billion years ago, did a tiny, hot universe begin expanding in a Big Bang? These are some of the topics covered in the 2012-2013 astrophysics and cosmology lecture series organized by the BBVA Foundation.

The lectures are in English with Spanish subtitles and the booklet is published in English and Spanish.


  • Richard Ellis, California Institute of Technology: Let There Be Light: Finding the Earliest Galaxies
  • Simon White, Max Planck Insitute for Astrophysics: The Origin of the Galaxies
  • Gerda Horneck, Institute of Aerospace Medicine of the German Aerospace Center: Astrobiology: The Quest for the Conditions of Life in the Universe
  • Scott Tremaine, Institute for Advanced Study, University of Princeton: The Long-term Stability of Planetary Systems
  • Conny Aerts, Catholic University of Leuven: Asteroseismology: The Study of Starquakes and Its Impact on Astrophysics
  • Martin Rees, Cambridge University: From Mars to the Multiverse

Director of the series:

  • Ana Achúcarro, Leiden University, University of the Basque Country.