

Competitividad, crecimiento y capitalización de las regiones españolas

Directed by
Ernest Reig Martínez

Matilde Mas Ivars, Elisenda Paluzie i Hernández, Jordi Pons Novell, Javier Quesada Ibáñez, Juan Carlos Robledo Domínguez, Daniel A. Tirado Fabregat

Social Sciences > Economics > Capitalization and Growth

This volume is set within the extensive line of research in regional economy developed jointly between the Fundación BBVA and the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (Ivie), taking competitiveness as a reference concept. The authors wish to clarify the conditions in which it makes sense to talk about competitiveness ata regional level and to also provide this concept with empirical content.

They have developed a systematic approach in order to make progress in the knowledge of those factores which determine competitiveness in relation to the autonomous regions, starting by preparing of different blocks of indicators and studying the formation process of of private physical capital, infrastructures and human capital at a regional level. Furthermore, special attention has also been paid to the contribution of investment in new information and communications technologies (ITCs) in the growth of regions, given that their dynamism in the last few years has been much more pronounced than in productive investment in general.


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