

De los estudios a las competencias

Condicionantes y resultados del capital humano en España

Social Sciences > Economics > Capitalization and Growth

This monograph examines the role of education and competences in social and personal development in Spain from a board perspective that encompasses four key features. Firstly, in assessing human capital, the authors look beyond educational level to the competences attained, considering a diverse set of skills beyond those of a purely cognitive nature. Secondly, the study concerns itself not only with with how training affects economic and labor-market performance, but its effects on health, wellbeing and social behaviors and practices. Thirdly, it looks at the influence of socio-economic conditioning factors related to family background and environment. These diverse issues are addressed using a common, homogeneous framework of analysis, which draws on a broad set of statistical sources selected for their quality, relevance and representativeness. Fourthly, the research undertaken is guided by the broad, interdisciplinary vision of a team whose members come from a variety of fields including economics and psychology.

The study finds that the educational level and competences attained are key dimensions in individuals’ economic and employment opportunities, but that their effects extend to other aspects of wellbeing such as health, life satisfaction, civic behavior and social participation. In Spain, however, educational opportunities are unequal and access to successive educational levels is affected by family background and circumstances.

The contents of this book will be of interest to education, employment and welfare policymakers, scholars of the subject matter, educational administrators and teachers, employers and employers’ organizations, and workers themselves, as well as proving of use to a more general readership.