

El valor del conocimiento para enfrentar la pandemia

Directed by
Beatriz González López-Valcárcel

Enrique Castellón Leal, Patricia Barber Pérez, Salvador Peiró Moreno, Jaime Pinilla Domínguez, Laura Vallejo Torres, Irene Zaera Cuadrado

Social Sciences > Economics > Public Economics

In 2020 we found ourselves immersed in a worldwide crisis caused by COVID-19. With the pandemic now over, the authors of this book set out to analyze the value of knowledge generated in the course of the crisis from a multidisciplinary, global perspective, with particular attention to Spain and its healthcare system. Such knowledge spans a broad spectrum of fields: biomedical research, drug and vaccine production technologies, predictive epidemiological models and global databases, but also an understanding of how to justify government restrictions on citizens’ lives or how to improve new drug regulation.

The book stands out for its comprehensive approach, using a methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative analyses in order to examine responses from the clinical, epidemiological and political-administrative sectors. Each chapter, moreover, can be read on a standalone basis.

Its findings lay bare the weakness of Spain’s innovation system and how this affected its capacity to respond to the pandemic. They stress the importance of rapid vaccine production, with valuable lessons that can be applied in future and in other public health contexts. In addition, the book looks at data globalization, a disruptive innovation that has revolutionized the way data is collected, shared and used for public health decision-making. It also examines the fundamental role of Europe in the management of the crisis, and the organizational dynamics and leadership that were decisive in the success or failure of the measures implemented. It addresses the complex relationships between science and policy, highlighting how the pandemic has transformed them while also evidencing the need for greater integration and collaboration between the two.

This book, aimed at health professionals and managers as well as regulators, policy makers and academics in the fields of health and economics, is a valuable tool for understanding the challenges and opportunities that arose during the health crisis, and the lessons learned that can guide future public health interventions on a global scale.