1998 LI 000156 RUI juv


La juventud liberta

Género y estilos de vida de la juventud urbana española

Social Sciences > Sociology

Young Spanish people at the end of the millennium have lost the privileges traditionally associated with this stage of life. Some are victims of school failure, while others stretch out their education and anxiously discover that successful studies are not a guarantee of entry to the world of work. They depend on their parents’ economy up to an age undreamed of in other countries. These prospects dampen their ideals and aspirations. However, they do not suffer professional or identity crises. They live in an environment in which every political party, ethical value, religious trend and cultural movement is valid. They do not subscribe to ideologies; instead, they pick and choose their options and lifestyles, changing from one to another without worries, in the search for something permanent. They feel solidarity with those who live in the same precarious situation and wishing to be useful, they try to find a way forward.