La población de Córdoba

PublicationPopulation Resource Notes

La población de Córdoba

Social Sciences > Demography, Economics

This publication is part of the series ‘Cuadernos de Población’ aimed at publicising the main results from the Research Programme, carried out by the BBVA Foundation and the Ivie, on population in Spanish regions, its characteristics and evolution from a long-term perspective.

The documents in the population series offer data and summaries of the analysis found in the monographs ‘La localización de la población española sobre el territorio: un siglo de cambios. Un estudio basado en series homogéneas (1900-2001)’, published in 2006, and ‘Actividad y territorio. Un siglo de cambios’, published by 2007.

Each note offers data on native and immigrant population of each region. Its clear exposition allows the information to be accessible to a non-specialised public and can be used as teaching material.