Las cuentas de la educación en España, 2000-2013. Recursos, gastos y resultados


Cuentas de la educación en España, 2000-2013

Recursos, gastos y resultados

Social Sciences > Economics, Education Sciences > Public Economics

Cuentas de la educación en España, 2000-2013 examines the state of education in Spain over the first part of the 21st century, focusing on the human and financial resources deployed and the contributions of the public sector and families, as well as the results obtained.

The study uses a broader demarcation of specifically educational goods, services and associated activities than that habitually employed in the field of educational economics. The first consequence of this approach is to provide a quantitative insight on the importance acquired by lifelong training, and the role of companies in satisfying the demand. A second is to enlarge the quantity of human and financial resources ascribed to education.

Information on these activities is presented in considerably greater detail than could be obtained from the core framework of the System of National Accounts, and analyzed from different National Accounting perspectives. This has required a major effort to integrate diverse statistical sources and ensure their internal consistency through the analysis, standardization, integration and organization of the wealth of information available on the multiple educational  dimensions under study.

The education accounts thus prepared include a database containing monetary (expenditure, income and costs) and non-monetary (human resources) variables, which are considered together to give a comprehensive picture of monetary magnitudes in education. Data are presented by region with a breakdown by educational level and the institutional sector in charge of funding and expenditure.

The authors analyze the main results of the accounts and furnish materials that offer more precise and at the same time exhaustive answers to questions of relevance in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of policies in such a socially and economically vital area as education. This book should find a ready readership among educators and public managers as well as researchers and the wider public. 


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