

Los vínculos económicos y familiares transnacionales

Los inmigrantes ecuatorianos y peruanos de España

Directed by
Carlota Solé Puig

Sònia Parella, Leonardo Cavalcanti

GEDIME (UAB) contributors
Carla Tamagno, Daisy Margarit, Isabel Benítez, Lluís Garzón, Elisenda Loscos, Marc Sabadí, Karina Boggio, Ángeles Escrivá

Social Sciences > Demography, Economics

This work analyzes the results of an investigation, conducted by Carlota Solé and financed by the BBVA Foundation, about the Andean migratory influx towards Spain, particularly from Ecuador and Peru. The issue is addressed from a theoretical framework in which migration is conceived as a social, transnational, subjective, familiar, economic, and structural process. The text discusses the scope and importance of the transnational perspective in the study of the current international migrations. The study investigates the economic and family ties in the migration process as key dimensions in the structuring of transnational households, transformed or generated through migration.

In order to obtain an observation field both transnational and longitudinal a twofold qualitative methodology has been chosen. Firstly, in-depth interviews were the main data collection techniques, they were conducted with family members living in Ecuador and Peru who have emigrated relatives in Spain. Secondly, interviews were conducted with reference emigrants, from the same families, residing in Spain.


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