

Políticas públicas y distribución de la renta

Edited by
Jesús Ruiz-Huerta Carbonell

Carmen Alcaide Guindo, Francisco Alvira Martín, Tony Atkinson, Francisco Blanco Ángel, Carme Borrell Thió, Gøsta Esping-Andersen, José Ramón García López, Juan A. Gimeno Ullastres, Beatriz González López-Valcárcel, Jesús Leal Maldonado, Horacio Levy Copello, Miguel Ángel López García, Ver todos

Social Sciences > Public Policy

The analysis of the effects of public policies on income distribution started later in Spain than in many of our neighbour countries, due basically to a lack of suitable databases for this type of investigation. However, the last few years have seen this gap in Spanish public economics being rapidly filled from a number of sides.

This text explores the influence of welfare state policies on income distribution, and seeks to determine whether governmental provision of preference goods and monetary transfers can guarantee a distributive effect capable of mitigating market-related inequalities in income and welfare, and promoting true equality of opportunity.


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