

Vitaminas y salud

De las enfermedades carenciales a las degenerativas

Edited by
Gregorio Varela Moreiras, Elena Alonso Aperte

María Alavés Buforn, Javier Aranceta Bartrina, Bartolomé Bonet Serra, Olga Moreiras Tuni, Begoña Olmedilla Alonso, Paola Otero Gómez, José Manuel Quesada Gómez, Lluís Baltasar Ruiz-Roso Calvo de Mora, Marta Viana Arribas, Paul Walter

Life Sciences and Biomedicine > Health and Lifestyle

The question of whether vitamin supplements are necessary or not, the importance of diet reinforcement, and the problems of vitamin abuse and its medical consequences are just some of the concerns addressed in this study.

An attempt to provide a convincing nutritional education which brings together the opinions of numerous experts in the field. Through its publication, the BBVA Foundation wishes to improve people’s understanding of a question of particular relevance for individual and collective health and welfare.


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